by Charity Lee Jennings | Feb 18, 2015
Tomorrow is Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival as it is also called, since it marks the beginning of Spring. Firecrackers are bursting everywhere, houses being renovated and swept clean and red banners are decorating doorways. It is a fun and festive atmosphere,...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Feb 13, 2015
Are you starting to feel like Christmas is long gone? Maybe I would be, except here Christmas ushers in another holiday. Chinese New Year. It’s later than usual this year, as it follows the Lunar Calendar and the big day is next week, on the 19th. We’ve had a full few...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Jan 10, 2015
Before plunging into the New Year I took some time to reflect, not just on the past year, but on our holiday season. Something about the holidays facilitates bonding, not just with people, but also with places. While our first few Christmases in China were hard,...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Oct 11, 2014
Traveling for five out of twelve months has made for an unusual year. We are excited to be ‘home’ and although we moved in a year ago, feel like we are still getting settled. At least Brian and I do. While traveling across Canada and staying in several people’s...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Aug 21, 2014
We have an exciting couple of weeks planned, getting together with friends from another part of China who we haven’t seen for over a year. We are also planning for some extra fun family time after seven weeks of homeschooling, right through the summer, to catch up...