Blooper In Banff

Blooper In Banff

Their jagged peeks held me captive as a child and I couldn’t wait to show my own children the Rockies. We drove in awe, pulling over to take pictures of breathtaking mountains piercing the sky. Not wanting the drive to end we stopped in the touristy town of Banff,...
Creston, B.C.

Creston, B.C.

Mountains covered in evergreen and dotted with snow surround me in a horseshoe. I look away only long enough to cover my Madagascar Vanilla tea bag in boiling hot water, it’s flavor seeping out and swirling into the water. Pulling the cup into both hands, I look up...
Zero Aveue

Zero Aveue

“Mom, how come all of our friends get to go to America but we don’t,” our kids asked me while we were in China. Most of their friends are American, so when they go back to visit family, they go to the U.S. It had been a few years since we had been to Canada, so I was...
Just One Question

Just One Question

The sun shone bright and warm though it was only February. We took a seat at an outdoor table on the third floor of our favourite restaurant. Our kids have taken to calling it “The Rat Restaurant” due to the rodents that run freely under the outdoor tables. It was the...
5 Best Things About B.C.

5 Best Things About B.C.

  We got to be in B.C. for over a month. What a treat. Our five favourite parts were… 5. Being Surrounded By Nature In China we see towering buildings everywhere but not a lot of nature. The peacefulness of the cottage and the lake was so refreshing. I set up shop,...