by Charity Lee Jennings | May 2, 2018
When my daughter was just a toddler, my friend’s son turned ten. As I welcomed him to the double digits I thought, when my youngest turns ten, I’ll be so sad. My little ones brought me so much joy, I didn’t want life any other way. It’s funny how I latch onto things....
by Charity Lee Jennings | Mar 28, 2018
My son called it, “The Worst Easter Ever.” We helped friends, who lived just a short walk away, with their moving sale. After watching bits of their life disappear, we all said good-bye, then they flew across the ocean. Their home, once filled with children’s...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Jan 31, 2018
As I look over my posts from the past, I see markers along my path. Some made bigger dents, and some extended beyond myself, to you. I don’t know if it means these posts resonated more than others, but going by number of views, my top posts of 2017 were: # 3. A...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Jan 24, 2018
As the river of 2018 sweeps me away, I grab a tree branch, and look back. The current of life moves faster every year and I don’t want my story to be just a blur. I want to remember. Looking back, I see years of tension, trying to find balance between family and my...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Dec 13, 2017
I’m not going to give you any gift ideas for my spouse – I don’t have enough to share. Sure I have a bundle of ideas – but they’re for the kids, or things Brian can buy for me. I’ve tried shopping the top lists of things for men, but my husband’s pretty practical. He...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Nov 15, 2017
I confess, I’ve been nervous about sharing this post. So nervous it took me months to finish. I fear disappointing people and didn’t know if Brian’s dad would be comfortable with me sharing my own disappointment. Thanks Dad J for sitting with me, answering my...