by Charity Lee Jennings | Oct 22, 2016
My latest find at the Bird and Flower Market – Air Plants “Mom, we’re out of hamster food.” “Then it’s off to the Bird and Flower Market.” A favourite stop. We’ve just returned from our three month tour of Canada and are getting settled in again. Leaving the cloudy...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Aug 30, 2016
Foxes have dens, and birds of the air have nests. I have said a tearful good-bye to our families and a nostalgic good-bye to my country. The airplane that I am seated on is filled with people, each with black hair and almond eyes. Canada is behind me, I am once again...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Jun 12, 2016
If you can open your front door and step directly outside, you are more blessed than the millions of people that surround us in China. We step out into a tiny hallway that is shared with our neighbours, then into a crowded elevator, down to a maze of roads and narrow...
by Charity Lee Jennings | May 7, 2016
Peppermint tea – I’m out. I add it to the list I’ve been compiling for the past year titled, ‘To buy, in Canada’. I scan the list: chocolate chips, oven mitts, deodorant – decidedly ‘unchinese’ items. Thankfully I will be waiting only days to make these purchases, not...
by Charity Lee Jennings | May 2, 2016
People often ask, with a twinkle in their eye, what a day in my life looks like. I shy away for fear of disappointing. The thoughts that come to mind are common, even challenging, not glamorous as I think they expect. Take this day just two weeks ago, for example: It...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Feb 3, 2016
When there is no central heating; when your whole family is huddled around one heater and you are wearing layer upon layer of clothing; when you can see your breathe in the bathroom and the pipes for the water heating system have frozen and burst; when all three kids...