by Charity Lee Jennings | May 16, 2014
The sun shone bright and warm though it was only February. We took a seat at an outdoor table on the third floor of our favourite restaurant. Our kids have taken to calling it “The Rat Restaurant” due to the rodents that run freely under the outdoor tables. It was the...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Apr 3, 2014
Out the window of our apartment in China… Out the patio door of our short-time home in British Columbia. The sun hadn’t even begun to brighten the sky and we were pulling our kids from their beds. “Mom, it’s only 5:30,” they moaned. “We are...
by Charity Lee Jennings | Mar 28, 2014
First Trip To The Wet Market We jumped out of the way of wiry delivery men bent in half, carrying sacs of rice on their backs. We maneuvered through customers pushing from every side, either trying to reach a vendor or escaping the masses with their prize; a tiny cut...