Assembling A Ring Light (with a little help)

2 Kingfishers (a painting in watercolour & white ink) by Charity Lee Jennings Join Us On Patreon Welcome to 'Art by Charity' Sit back and relax as you watch me paint 2 Kingfisher Birds in my signature “China Blue” style Join us on Patreon šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽØ to make...

Painting A Kingfisher (with watercolour)

Painting A Kingfisher by Charity Lee Jennings Join Us On Patreon Welcome to 'Art by Charity' Hi, I’m Charity. I love capturing life with watercolour and ink – to highlight the beautiful and redeem the painful. And I help others do the same.Ā  If you want to...
One Who Gives

One Who Gives

One Who Gives It wasnā€™t until I started painting the flowers that my mind turned to the fragility of life.   I knew I needed to grieve. Iā€™d been trying but being so far from family I couldnā€™t get to that place. But now, as I pushed my brush against the canvas to...
Falling Behind – Part 3

Falling Behind – Part 3

Have you read Falling Behind Parts 1 & 2? I wish the man behind me would wear headphones. Heā€™s playing a game so loud it sounds like Iā€™m in an arcade. The airline must be expecting that too, their announcements invade at a decibel level designed to be heard over a...
More Is Less

More Is Less

Peppermint tea ā€“ Iā€™m out. I add it to the list Iā€™ve been compiling for the past year titled, ā€˜To buy, in Canadaā€™. I scan the list: chocolate chips, oven mitts, deodorant ā€“ decidedly ā€˜unchineseā€™ items. Thankfully I will be waiting only days to make these purchases, not...