“I’m alone, in a place I don’t belong. I want to explore but my uncertainty intimidates me.” Route 101 – Penang, Malaysia

I did it. I stepped onto that bus, alone, not knowing where it was going. And it led to a peaceful afternoon sitting on planks that join the stilted homes of a fishing community over one-hundred years old. The clan jetties, built over the water by clans of Chinese fisherman who couldn’t afford land, are protected by UNESCO, as a heritage site. As I sketched, I experienced the wonder of another place, another time. I fulfilled a dream.



But getting there was a challenge.

Reaching a dream is a challenge.

Right now, my life feels like route 101 – street signs in another language, a map I can’t follow, winding roads that lead where?

And I think my dream is lost in the maze of life’s demands. I want to keep creating and sharing, but I can’t find my way.

Why did I try? Why do I keep trying?

Then I round a corner, and there it is. And there are you, my friends, cheering me on.


Have you read about the bus ride that took me there?

More about my dream at: From Failure To Failure.